Welcome to the Class of ’74 Headquarters
Class of ’74 50th Reunion, September 28, 2024,
Ken’s Steakhouse
James & Lisa Sherman Kimberly (Lavin) Greenlaw Renee Masi Joseph O’Malley Eric Weiser Bernie Lynch Kevin Kelley Janet Buckley Edward & Mary Ann (Frechette) Cahill Robert Battaglia Kathleen Maloney Patty Bartzak Kathleen (Davis) & Ken Kidder John Cowan Steve & Patricia Phillips Toni DiBuono & Ted Donnelly Ernest Chiaviarini Donald St. Andre Gail (Gleason) O’Brien Susan (Perini) Bergeron Ellen (Kelley) Sollima |
Linda Taricano Maureen (Rogan) Scagnelli Tom & Nataline Duffy Theresa (Heinzmann) Wilber Maryanne (Moran) Cole Paula (Kelley) Bresse Patricia (Brita) Rossi Janet (Hachmann) & Bill Parker Katherine Garrahan Kathleen (Sullivan) D’Eramo Bill Paquette Tom & Mary Anne Sannicandro Ann (Huddy) Spaulding John Doherty Faith (Knowlton) Huntington Joe Kolb Kathleen (Fanning) & David Stuchiner Ellen Senghas & Mark Kassis Stephen Demboske Joe O’Malley Fred Johnson Lynn (Tracey) Cooke |
J. Edward Carter Ann Carter Tom & Martha (O’Connell) Goulet Greg Levins & Jennifer Wilson Marybeth (Siggins) Croci Claire (Grady) Hart Tom and Carroll Flynn John Nugent Mary Beth (Monaghan) & Chris Kinsella Steve & Liz Haggerty Jim & Maureen Walsh Jane (Coveney) Hamel Peter Nanof Susan (Ricci) Sowden Susan Cadogan-Beebe Paula (Ensom) Coyne Sean & Marylou Mullen Bob Croati Tom & Joan Higgins Mike & Kathy Tremblay |
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